The World's Fastest and Cheapest Crawler API

Example request
import requests, os

headers = {
    'Authorization': os.environ["SPIDER_API_KEY"],
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',

json_data = {"limit":50,"url":""}

response ='', 


Unmatched Speed


To crawl 200 pages


Faster and cheaper than FireCrawl


Faster and cheaper than Apify

Benchmarks displaying performance between Spider Cloud, Firecrawl, and Apify.

Foundations for Crawling Effectively

Leading in performance

Spider is written in Rust and runs in full concurrency to achieve crawling dozens of pages in secs.

Optimal response format

Get clean and formatted markdown, HTML, or text content for fine-tuning or training AI models.


Further boost speed by caching repeated web page crawls.

Smart Mode

Spider dynamically switches to Headless Chrome when it needs to.


Scrape with AI

Do custom browser scripting and data extraction using the latest AI models.

Best crawler for LLMs

Don't let crawling and scraping be the highest latency in your LLM & AI agent stack.

Scrape with no headaches

  • Proxy rotations
  • Agent headers
  • Avoid anti-bot detections
  • Headless chrome
  • Markdown LLM Responses

The Fastest Web Crawler

  • Powered by spider-rs
  • Do 20,000 pages in seconds
  • Full concurrency
  • Powerful and simple API
  • 5,000 requests per minute

Do more with AI

  • Custom browser scripting
  • Advanced data extraction
  • Data pipelines
  • Perfect for LLM and AI Agents
  • Accurate website labeling